Church Ministries

Adult and Youth Ushers
This ministry is a crucial part of worship service, we are the first smiling face people see when entering the sanctuary. We provide a loving and friendly greeting as we direct everyone to their seats. Members of this ministry assistance and oversee the orderly gathering and conduct of our members during worship service.

Adult and Youth Choirs
We share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encourage believers in their walk with Christ, lead the congregation in worship and provide an avenue through which individuals may share their gift and be an integral part of the worship.

Adult & Youth Mime and Praise Dancers
Mime involves drastic movements, facial expressions, and hand signs to depict God’s Word. We bring the word of God to life with great intensity and divine excellence.
Praise dancing is a liturgical / spiritual dance that incorporates music and movement as a form of worship. We use our bodies to express the word and spirit of God.

Outreach Ministry
We express the love of God by giving back to the community in need whether it be clothes, school supplies, food or events in which the community is brought together in love.

Singles Ministry
This ministry promotes the living of a productive God-Center life of our adult single members. Members deepen their personal relationship with Christ thorough bible study and ministry activities. Members support each other in achieving their goals in all areas of their lives. We reach out to others through fellowship and community service.

Marriage Ministry
Our mission is to establish lasting Christ-Centered marriages through varies activities that develop loving communication skills and education of how to make a good marriage better. This ministry provides opportunities for fellowship through outings and events for couples to relax, renew and reflect on their marriages.

Youth and Young Adult Ministry
This ministry introduces young people to Jesus Christ. We are about unity and building each other up mentally and spiritually. We assist our young people in recognizing their gifts and abilities to provide service within their communities. We connect them with resources for spiritually, educational and financial growth.
Nurse Ministry
We serve the Pastor and God's people by giving aid and comfort during church service.

Women's Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to bring the Women of GE together on one accord to build each other up. As we bond, we are able to share that closeness with others through evangelistic outings such as, visiting women and children shelters and loving them while sharing the gift that is Jesus Christ with them.
Men's Ministry
We are committed to build Godly men to serve Christ in their home, church, career and community. We strive to be men of strong character and integrity who support one another within the kingdom of God.

Culinary Ministry
This ministry is a body of believers that have a passion for cooking and serving others. We support our church by preparing and serving delicious meals. If you can cook, serve, setup or clean up this is a wonderful ministry to serve God's people
Health and Wellness Ministry
This ministry is dedicated in addressing the mental and physical needs of the community through seminars, workshops and community partnerships.

Resource Coordinators

Our coordinators organize and provide resources for our church community, such as, voter registration, housing, employment opportunities, education, and financial aid seminars, etc.

Media and Sound Ministry
This ministers works behind the scenes to make it possible to share the message of GOD through various media platforms.
Evangelist Ministry
Members of this ministry are ambassadors of the gospel, teaching God's word and sharing our faith within the church and community.

Beautification Ministry

Whether you have a passion for floral arrangements, interior design, or simply wish to contribute your time and effort to maintain a clean and welcoming church, the Church Beautification Ministry welcomes you. Join us in fostering an environment that not only reflects the reverence we hold for our faith but also invites others to experience the beauty of worship. Together, we make our church a place where the physical surroundings mirror the spiritual joy we find in fellowship and worship."